Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Like damn over the moon.
I guess, i was spot-on again. ;)
Anyways, this woman on the MRT really pissed me off.
When i boarded, i saw the person sitting at the reserved seat, alight.
Then, that freaking woman just went to put her bag there and sat on the divider of the 2 seats.
Ok fine, i assume she's reserving seats for her friends or whatever person, even if it's not right in the first place.
Ends up, she alighted at YCK. TMD sia !
Plus, she was combing her hair with her fingers.
So when i sat on the seat, it's like, all her hair ?
Eww lah.
I suppose it's time for her to visit Beijing101 or something. ZZZ.
She's such an asshole.
I must have gained a lot of bad karma due to the constant killing of trees, that's why im meeting people like that these days. -.=
DBE, as i said, there werent any presentations.
It was good for our group, especially, since we didnt prepare much, what with the...
Oh well. :/
The others werent really that happy about it.
Anyways, we were using the laptop to take down notes.
& i must say, it's much more efficient than taking notes by hand, especially when you have a tutor that speaks so quickly and expects you to listen and take down notes at the same time.
It's a great skill. -.-
You have to phrase the sentence in your head, listen to her, and take down notes all over again. Not easy eh ? :/
Lunch-ed while sitting along the stairs. ):
Sad life lah.
Stupid Melvin, suan-ing us while we were eating there, labelling us as 'refugees'. Damn him, man. -.=
Seriously pisses people off. :/
PACC tutorial was a total fail. LOLs !
She just asked us to mark tutorial1 and do the online e-tutorial.
So other than that, all of us were using the spare time to MSN or FB ! xD
But she's irritating ! ):<
Kept walking around when i wanted to talk with Rach on MSN.
Headed to the CCA booths after that.
Tons of people, super stuffy.
Not really interested in anything except Jap Cultural Club and Astronomy. :P
Im like, the most NOT outgoing person in my class..? LOLs ! xD
The only one that kept saying NOOO to sports-related CCAs. :x
Actually, Cheerleading isnt that bad, except for the fact that you're actually letting the guys touch you everywhere. =.=
Headed home with Rach. :)
Just a coincidence to see her at one of the booths. So yah. LOLs.
My parents arent really enthusiastic about the idea of having 2 CCAs.
But then, at least Dad's rather supportive of Astronomy. :P
Yah, that explains my particular interests in documentaries and all things scientific, except textbooks. :P
Im going to sign up for those 2 CCAs tomorrow. :DD
So freaking excited.
Well, if i survive ONOW, that is. :x
Im broke now. T-T
Looks like i'll have to survive on my own savings for now.
*Sighs. Bad times.
& my DBE tutor still said Singapore's economy is going to grow really fast, so it'll be fine to get more pocket allowance from our parents. -.-
I doubt so. It's not really that case for certain people. :/
Anyways, im tired. Have to wake up early tomorrow. ):
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