Friday, April 16, 2010
It's been awhile since i last blogged, that's why im here now. :)
Been rather
So i'll just sum up the things we did during the FOP.
I doubt my memory is that good to be able to recall every single detail.
Tues :
Went to the Convention Centre to watch performances, supposedly.
But we ended up waiting for the Director of SB and Principal's arrival, for 2hrs. -.-
Thank god i made friends while sitting there doing literally nothing. :x
So, we watched the school's videos [ must admit it was well-made (: ], listened to speeches, and performances from performing arts' CCAs.
Had Amazing Race. -.-
I thought we were going to slack.
Ends up the facil ran when he was never the chiongster. -.=
So we ran from one end to the other lor.
Damn tiring, like seriously. =.=
Halfway through, i gave up and walked with another girl. LOLs !
Played games, wasted time, didnt complete all the stations, went back to Convention Centre to gather.
There was this freefall activity and i was suay-ly picked, but i won a game of 'Scissors-Paper-Stone' ! So i didnt 'fall' in the end. :P
& there was the water-sucking thing where everyone had to suck water through a straw with holes.
I wanted to vomit because i heard the straw had been used by other classes. -.=
I wouldnt mind if it was within our own class, man. ZZZ.
That was totally over the line ! =.=
Wed :
The day i enjoyed most among the 4days' FOP. :P
Went to the aircon room and used laptop while listening to some monotone voice telling us how to configure our comps, self-service. -.=
Well, i listened to the first few modules.
The remaining, i got distracted by MSN and FB. xD
It was rather tiring because it was against my conscience. :P Plus, it was all the more scary when you have to constantly look at the lecturer in case he stares down at your comp and realises you werent listening to him. HAHAAs. :x
Met our PTN. She's nice lah. :D
Actually, ALL the people in SP are nice, so far i see. Even high-ranking people like managing directors are nice. Serious. x.x
Yesterday/Thurs :
Woke up at freaking 5am. EARLIER THAN MY PARENTS LAH, OMG. @.@
Damn shytty because we were supposed to be in school by 7.30am. =.=
Had flag day lor.
We were assigned at Dover, which was kind of useless because there's nothing much there except residential areas.
So, our facil brought us there and we went on our own.
Met this kns person. Dont wanna talk about it. He pisses me off, literally. Feel like kicking him. :x
Headed back to school at around 11am because me and my partner practically combed the entire area.
Slacked all the way till 2pm. xD
Counted money, slacked off.
They said that if we were to win Engineering school, we would need an approximate amount of $40 per person.
& since our class actually hit 800+ thanks to some tins containing $100-$200, it pulled up people that didnt have as much money, LIKE ME. xD
Well, we did our part, that was what mattered. :D
So, this ends the FOP. :/
Felt kind of sad because i guess, this means we wont be so close to our facils anymore. ):
There was an outing earlier on today.
But because i was still happily stuck on my bed, i missed the time. -.-
Sheesh. :/
Anyways, went to AMK and had late breakfast/lunch with mum.
The new Deyi PE tee... =.=
I still like our yellow banana shirt. :P
It's super striking and nice with the blue skirt luh !
Anyway, the house tee wasnt that bad previously. Now it's like.. -.-"
Walked around and bought tons of tidbits. So i finally stocked up the fridge. WHEEE !~
This means i can attack the fridge 24/7. xD
Went to eat tzechar just now. <3
Shopped at Thompson Plaza before heading home.
So freaking happy lah !
*Feels glutton-ish. :x
I didnt manage to collect my headphones because idiot girl didnt mention that it wasnt ready for collection yet. -.-
& i have to buy the freaking POA book the POA students use. )):
Good lah, those who studied before can use back. -.-"
Im going to waste 15bucks sia.
Damn. Was it a right thing to enter into thriple science anyway ? -.-
But the good thing is that, AT LEAST, Managing Organisational Behaviour seems pretty fun. :P
Fun as in, the first few slides of the lectures goes :
Who are managers ?
Maybe i should just write beside it,
they are the ones who cleans the toilets.
HAHAAs, jkjk. :x
Meeting VictorJoe on Mon.
Ok long post. Tired. Im going to surf the net. BYE !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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