Friday, February 12, 2010
I actually got stuck at how to start this blog entry. :/
Probably because too much things happened today ?
Or might i say, a lot of people were involved so i have no idea what to blog. -.-
Went back to Deyi, felt totally old. Even when im trying my hardest to ignore that fact. =.=
You cant help it lah.
I mean, try walking into your primary school when you're actually in secondary school.
Get it ? :/
Moreover, it was just the "perfect" time to have the MOST number of students being released from the celebrations and me and Rach were walking into school like
Saw ShiPing & Melvin.
Quite shocked actually. :P
Didnt expect her to be going back too.
Walked around aimlessly, saw the others from NYJC at canteen.
Went to Staff Room to chitchat with teachers and joke around.
He must have been too stressed or played too much badminton. :/
Doesnt seem so muscular anymore. :x
MrAng was in a hurry to meeting. So never really talked to him, though we still managed to wish him happy cny.
Chat with MrLee,
Mario said he's going to retire by the end of the year. DD:
Man, i feel sad. Kinda wasted, for his experience i mean.
He's a damn good teacher. Boring, nonetheless. :x
But yah, those in 409 should be able to understand that.
So sad sia. But i wish that he can happily enjoy the rest of his life without worries luh. :)
Secretly wondering whether he's been able to save up ALOT of money, hence able to retire before 60. :x
Met Jennifer then went to Hub to gather with the others in YJC.
Didnt see LiXuan because she had to go home for new year preparations. :/
Oh well, maybe i should visit her on 1 free day. :P
We spent a very long time to walk from MRT into Hub because everyone was gathered at the MIDDLE of the MRT station and nobody was walking and they were all talking. =.=
Finally after, who knows how long, everyone went to Hub.
Walked aimlessly.
Then the others headed to SumoHouse. Which took dont know how many freaking minutes. -.=
Lucky thing was me and Kurin went there ourselves and not with the group. :/
As expected, tons of people at Sumo.
Ate, crapped, gossiped.
& we went to walk 1 entire round around AMK central, like literally. -.-
JC people went to find a place to dance their mass dance or something. :/
I thought i should reconsider about watching them because i almost died when i saw Brandon dancing in Deyi. =.=||
Anyways, for the sake of laughing at them, i watched. :P
Not much comments.
Lots of rumors as usual.
Angeline left.
ChaoNgin was busily playing with her bubble game all the while and i was trying to distract her from the game, all the while. :P
Walked and walked.
Bought drinks.
Went back to Hub.
Sat down outside cinema.
Got chased away by the guard. DAMN HIM! :x
Left because they werent really going anywhere else and it getting pretty much, boring. :/
So, after the others gave a goodbye cheer while mispronouncing my surname -.-, we went to take 162 home.
Actually i skipped lots of retarded parts.
Too lazy to blog out everything.
Kurin reads my blog too. :D
Well maybe i should be used to having people reading my blog. But it's freaking annoying when you dont know it because nobody tags. :(
Never knew Rach entered SP for the guys. OMG lah. :/
Well, what they said today made some sense. HAHAA ! xD
Yah, i told Ethel i would phone her and tell her to take a bus down to SP from NP when i see shuai ones. :P
& i've always been more interested about the foodcourts, so.. Whatever. :x
More or less, enjoyed today, though i never really talked to every single person who was there.
But i enjoyed it. :)
Sometimes we have conflicts.
Perhaps that's why some people in our class are more.. Segregated ?
Dont know leh. I just feel that the least i can do is to be there and participate.
Wouldnt that be like, compromising ?
At least, we enjoyed everything we did and not whine about it.
Aiyah, maybe some people prefers to be alone or thinks that an entire class is too big a group, so they wander off alone.
Sad hor. :/
& i wonder when is the next time i'll see them. ):
Well im dead sure im never going to see some people.
I think they wont want to see me too.
Next 409 outing should be to Marina Barrage ! :DD
I want to have picnic and fly kite. ):
Been pestering Rach about it last year but never really been put into actions. >.<
Affairs of the heart..
I have lots of comments about that. :D
But i think i shouldnt voice it out in case some people misunderstands or beg to differ.
I might just do it in my diary. :P
Thanks all those who went for the outing today. (: From the bottom of my heart.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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