Sunday, January 24, 2010
Just a quick post. :)
Went out with parents yesterday.
Yeaps, bought clothes again.
Nah, i just spent $10. :D
It's considered ok le hor ! :x
Received call from Pam and she asked if i could work in the morning shift today.
Bo bian.
Bo lui now, so need work.
Originally i wasnt intending to work de lor.
Sorry lah, getting lazier by the day.
Waking up was a chore.
Worked with XiaoQing.
Thought i would be working with SiewChen.
& was kinda scared whether im able to cooperate well with her.
Surprisingly, it was even better. :D
Yays, so i actually made a friend in 6.5hrs. xD
Sold 4 pieces of clothes during noon.
& the food in the canteen was super duper nice.
Seriously. x.x!!
Im so going to have my lunch there again. :P
Did stupid things to while time ~
& finally met Melissa.
She's another super damn nice person. :D
So i actually made another friend in half an hr because we had the same opinions towards a certain someone. :x
Too bad XiaoQing's going to suffer tomorrow lo ~ :/
Went home after that.
Super dead now.
Tomorrow going out again.
& again on Tuesday.
Most probably going to work on Wed.
Great. -.-"
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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