Sunday, January 31, 2010
Due to the lift upgrading project,
my mum ended up as the first person to 'test' the lift. :P
The person told her it was safe. But she was kinda suspicious of it and thought she might end up as the guinea pig.
So the retarded thing she did was :
She went to memorise the help hotline in case the lift broke down so that she could yell into the ears of the unlucky person who picked up the phone.
I guess this is why im equally retarded as well. :P
As they say, like mother like daughter.
Duper over the moon !~~
I actually earned quite a lot, as in just from selling the clothes and my commission is 3x.
But the great thing is that i no longer have to stand there like an idiot and look at the faces of some arrogant suckers.
Oh, just to add on to it, i was unfortunate enough to meet this woman whose eyes were literally at the top of her head.
Sadly, she even had a face that made me want to slap her. :(
Her arrogance was bad enough, her face made it worst. :P
I bought 2 pair of earrings yesterday again. x.x
& i went to stock up on my fridge since it's been eons since i did that.
The fridge was pathetically low on food
Without work, im going to be even bored at home.
Like, nobody to talk to during the day since most of them are in school.
& those who are online,
i dont really talk to them.
The only person left is ShiPing. :(
& Elena doesnt come online that often, Steffi seems busy recently.
Not to mention Rachel. :x
The good thing is, im going to get ShiPing's POA book from her tomorrow. :DD
Like yipees !~ xD
Maybe i might end up looking at the state of the book and not it's contents. :x
But i dont think she tortured her book that badly...
Right ? >.<
Somehow, i feel happy that Elena is in poly.
Probably because she would be slacking with me as well. :P
I know it sounds mean luh.
Maybe we should have an outing for all those 409 people that arent going to JC and are waiting for the idiot school to start in april. :}
Hmm, sounds like a good plan. ^-^v
I cant believe im saying this...
But i can ask YYBJ out as well. :D
Or maybe she might not want to go out. :/
Vexed lah. =.=
Ok to be more accurate,
i cut my fringe today because i could no longer tolerate bangs since it was tickling my eyes,
and i promised myself that i would go cut it by the end of Jan.
Man, i would have been happy if my fringe was LONGER !
It looks so shytty-ly short now. D:
Not even to what i expected ! T-T
Dammit lah.
If not for that aunty, i might not have cut bangs, and my long hair wouldnt have been gone like that, and i would NEVER have short fringe like now ! =.=
Super pissed.
Now i can only pray that it grows long ASAP.
Ok, im tired.
Shall go sleep now.
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