Friday, January 22, 2010
Went to celebrate Laoma aka Brandon's bday.
They were being super retarded lah.
But anyways, surprised him in the end. :P
Jack's place.
Havent been there for, about more than 4 years ? :/
I couldnt finish my food ! T-T
That stupid mother came to take my food because he so damn kiamsiap lor. DD:
But i did finish my icecream. :P
As in, who doesnt ? x)
I believe i have different storage in my stomach to store different foods,
especially desserts. :PP
Took pictures.
I hate Joshua. -.-
Ate the cake, which was pathetically small. :/
Then went back to Hub.
1 whole big gang of people walking.
So damn weird. :x
Headed to meet Aunt and YYBJ at 313.
MRT-ed down.
I bought a gay hairband at Forever21.
But i like it. x.x
Actually, i wasnt the one paying.
Aunt was.
Felt damn bad sia. =.=
She bought another suit for me.
Dont know if you call it a suit..
More like a jumper or something.
Sounds kiddy sia. -.=
& it was damn ex can ! -.=
Headed to FarEast awhile later.
Bought 2 shirts. :DD
Loved it.
Going to pay aunt back.
Then Aunt drove us around before going to Grandma's house..
Took pictures of my cousin ~ :D
She keeps moving lah, couldnt take nice ones.
But there were 2 clear ones. :x
Aunt drove me home later.
Comp is boring. :/
& im going to Bugis tomorrow with ChaoNgin, most probably.
Man, i keep shopping these days.
Must be 17years of not shopping, finally being able to release it all at one go. :x
HAHAAA, sounds damn wrong. =.=
XiuYi was saying William 'invited' us to makeover for him.
Probably the words i said to him, really sunk in. :P
If we were to makeover him, we might as well do for a few altogether. :x
HAHAAA, so looking forward to Tuesday lor.
But the thing is, i need her to confirm with him before i settle my workplace.
& Monday going back to Bugis, AGAIN, to change the shorts Angel & LiXuan bought.
Hope they can change it.
Im so busy.
Was chatting with ChaoNgin and she suddenly replied to my PM.
Random aunty. :P
Then she began to think of one emo PM to suit her too, though i doubt it's going to work.
& then i gave her :
Why arent we together ? Oh right, because you live in the sea.
Ok fine, i admit i was being overly random can ?
I wasnt implying to anyone with that 'living in the sea' thing.
Just wanted to give her something stupid to suit her personality.
Im becoming DECREASINGLY nocturnal. :DD
YAYS lah, like finally.
I've never been nocturnal, from the beginning.
Now im back to normal. xD
Sians, need wait for that aunty CN to come back from bathing.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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