Thursday, January 28, 2010
I was bored to tears at home today. D;
Didnt go out.
Nobody to talk to on MSN.
There were nothing to attract me to either the comp or tv.
& im stuck at home. :(
Man, imagine life like that all the way till school starts.. ?
Gosh, this is so damn freaky. -.-
Im going to die by the end of Feb already. :/
Maybe i should spend more time at Grandma's. :D
& since im left with so much time,
i came to the conclusion today that,
Hmm, actually it's more like, im studying POA in order to kill time.. ? :x
Anyways, since my maths sucks, and always have been, i should start on it earlier so that when the lecturer opens his mouth, i wont think that he is speaking in a 3rd language that i cant understand. ((:
Steffi said she'll explain to me if i dont understand anything. YAYS. :DD
I dont want to work tomorrow. D:
Working is horrible !
Nono, working isnt horrible.
It's horrible because i have to stand 6.5hrs straight. Excluding break time.
& im going to have to stand for 6.5 x 3 = 19.5hrs all the way till Sunday ! T-T
What with the pain in my legs,
wondering how im going to tolerate 20hrs of standing without any pains. =.=
Probably going to quit after tomorrow ?
As in, hello ?!
Im not in the right state to work now.
My leg is way more important than money. D:
With good legs, you make even more money. :]
Let's see what happens when i return from work tomorrow. :P
Fullstop !
Shall go disiao people on MSN since im pathetically bored and alone. ):
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