Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I feel happy for her. (:
Living her dreams, fulfilling it and trying to reach it no matter what others think.
I wish her success. :D
She actually makes me think about what my future would be like.
But the good thing is she's happy. That's all that matters. :]
Gossiped with ShiPing. :P
Looks can be deceiving.
I never knew ShiPing has the abilities to get information from people so easily. xD
& i thought i was the only kaypoh one. xDD
Kaypoh-ness motivates ! :D
The most shocking thing i knew these 2 days :
XueQi & Fernando went to the same course as Steffi ! Fernando is in SP too ! :D & XueQi is all the way at RP. -.=
So im happy for Fern, as for XueQi.. *Sighs.
I know how she feels when people constantly tells her about the pros and cons.
It's just the same situation where people keeps telling me JC is better than poly, OR when people say IB is not easy to study.
& the shyttiest thing is that THERE ARE NO TURNING-BACKS & ROOM FOR REGRETS.
So why the hell do people keep reminding me ?! :/
Hence i decided to spare her a similar conversation and wished her all the best. (:
For a first, maybe IB is good. :D
I think i might stand a chance competing with 99 smart people than to compete with so many people in not only the tourism course, but also other courses, according to Steffi.
ShiPing chanced upon the forum and began regretting choosing JC. -.-
Well yeah, i regretted last time.
But not now. :D
Not like regretting turns back the time.
All i can say is, im not JC type, cant cope with weird numbers in maths, cant comprehend chem, and definitely unwilling to study more than 12hrs a day.
Maybe i might stop envying all those in JC once their lectures gets even more torturous. :x
Anyways, most people who posted on forums were like, from REALLY GOOD JCs ?
So obviously they can cope with it.
Hello ? Im just an average person.
I doubt i can take the complexities of JC life. -.=
Studying POA alone makes my head BIG.
Imagine if i were to absorb tons of things when my brain hasnt warmed up like, ever since O's ended.. ?
HAHA, definitely a no-eye-see. :P
Im heading down to SP someday to confirm the details.
Oh well, maybe i might walk around and tour it like some tourist when we have the time.
Hey, there's nothing wrong for a student to walk on the grounds of it's
LOLs, i stopped typing about 20mins ago because ShiPing gave me this link to some really famous blogger. :/
& i ended up spending 20mins reading it. xD
Tired. *Yawns.
Fullstop !
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