Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Originally wanted to blog yesterday ?
But because my tv and modem suddenly couldnt receive any reception,
i couldnt continue blogging and had to postpone it till today. :/
Yesterday :
Went out with Angel, LiXuan, Rebby & Elena. :D
Headed back to Bugis since Angel & Lx wanted to change shorts.
The shopkeeper was super damn idiotic luh.
She didnt even mention 3 DAYS and she even measured for Lx and said the size was right for her.
Ends up, she didnt fit in,
and yet, they didnt want to take responsibility and didnt allow her to change hers.
Dammit lah.
Well, at least Angel got to change hers.
Shyt them, man.
Never gonna go there and buy shorts anymore.
Going to tell the entire world about that particular shop. -.-
Anyways, Angel went to collect the same shirt we bought. :DD
Rebby went to buy another 2 wallets for her mum and sis.
Cheap wallets arent that cheap afterall. ;D
Moreover, more and more people are buying it and the designs are nice. :D
I brought the trend !~
Wakakas. xD
Rebby was harping about her imaginary toy poodle and assuming that she had bought 1 already. :/
So we changed the destination of 313 to Vivo, last min.
Went to play with water at the rooftop. :P
Stupid Rebby began splashing water.
In the beginning, i was all dry.
After 15mins,
we were all wet.
We looked like idiots playing in the waters. :/
I have no exact proof that he was taking pictures of us luh.
But, he seems so stalkerish and what if he posts our unglam pics on the web ? OMG ! >.<
Well, actually we didnt give a damn lah.
Or should i say, the others didnt notice it ? =.-
Saw PartyWorld on the other side of the water.
So the moment i saw it,
i was shrieking and kinda, demanding to go there. :x
Played around and waited for clothes to dry awhile before entering.
Sang tons of songs.
Obviously, including GEE. :DD
Duper cold inside but we still kept drinking cold drinks.
Elena had to leave early.
& she spilled her drink on my foot ! DAMN HER ! >:(
Lucky thing was there were tons of wet tissue so i managed to get all those sticky things off me. :/
Im so going to stand 10metres away from her from now on. :/
We danced GEE. :DD
I shall practice it again someday. :PP
Moreover, it's my trademark song too ~ xD
After singing, ran out of PartyWorld because we were all freezing cold.
Took an MRT back.
Crapped and talked on the way.
Had to bus back home alone.
So sad right. D:
But had fun lah.
Reached home.
Had to take Panadol.
Either im being paranoid or im really going to be sick.
I have a weak immune system lah.
You can actually see that from.. My weight. Well more of appearance actually. :x
I have a fever at least once a year.
Somehow i had 2 last year.
Hope it goes back to one. :x
This explains why im not suited for JC too. :D
Today :
Headed out to eat with ChaoNgin and Brandon.
Supposedly XiuYi was joining us as well.
But because she overslept, even when ChaoNgin gave her morning call,
so she ended up meeting us after we finished eating. :P
I was the earliest lah. :/
Ate SumoHouse.
Brandon ate the oranges in a super unglam way.
Was going to take a picture but i felt bad about it and decided not to take any in the end. :DD
& im going to apologise for giving him so many coins. :x
Later, went to 313.
Walked around, disiao-ed XiuYi, took a book of coupons, entered a shop ! :D
Brandon looked really nice in the shirt ! :DD
I bet ______ might consider him after seeing the change. xDD
As in, what he wore today was really uncle.
But what we chose for him was really shuai. :PP
Uncle William was REALLY REALLY late.
We waited so long that we toured 1 round around Orchard Central and he still hasnt arrived.
In the end, ChaoNgin left and he still wasnt here yet. -.-
Had our teabreak at B3 of 313 before he finally came.
XiuYi attempted to style William's hair but the back of his hair keeps popping out. :/
So ends up, she didnt really change anything. xDD
Headed back to the same shop we got Brandon's shirt.
I think we made quite a commotion there ?
*William left the laptop in the pantry & he didnt realise until he was reminded. =.=
Lucky thing was because it was rather difficult/tricky in opening the door of the pantry, thats why nobody went in and nobody found the laptop inside. -.=
Lucky him.
Continued searching for his shirt and he bought a pink one. :D
As in, guys wearing pink nowadays are super common.
Moreover, he should wear light colours since he is like, so tanned ? :/
Continued shopping at Bugis street.
They bought bermudas, shoes and belts.
William had to buy a tie and another shirt.
But all in all, it's worth it since it makes them look more presentable rather than being called uncle. :x
I bet if everyone sees what they wore today, they will never ever call those 2 uncles anymore. :DD
Because im not going to address them that way after they change the way they dress.
So anybody who needs a makeover, just find XiuYi.
She's just a genius at that. :P
Perhaps she can consider that as a future occupation.. ? x.x
Though they spent lots of money,
it's all worth it. :]
& i think i spent more than them anyway,
considering the number of clothes i bought recently.
Headed home after eating dinner.
Dont think im going to work tomorrow.
Mostly is no mood.
& im actually not feeling so well.
Must be not entirely recovered from yesterday's cold.. ?
OMG what's happening to me ? T-T
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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