Friday, January 1, 2010
It's 2010 already.
Yah, where did 2009 go ? :/
Feels like yesterday.
A new year means a new beginning. :D
With a new start, we should move forward again ! ^^
Somehow still miss 2009..
Anyways, didnt blog yesterday because i was having a headache due to lack of sleep.
Went out with Mei again yesterday.
Went to Vivo to watch Avatar.
When buying the tickets,
the queue went out of the GV Hall. -.=
So damn long lah.
Practically waited for 20mins++.
The movie was nice. :D
I mean, the graphics.
The storyline was ok.
I watched halfway and suddenly felt tired.
So during some parts i closed my eyes.
Afterwards, home-d.
Damn thing was i forgot to take pics with mei. ZZZ.
Had countdown in Maple.
Kor just scolded us for not going to FM to pei him since he specially booked a comp in Genting to countdown with us.
Can understand him being pissed off.
couldnt he just come find us as well ?
& he was extremely vulgar so everyone just decided to treat him invisible. :D
Wanted to send messages right on 12.
But damn,
SingTel kept telling me to wait.
Ends up, i had to forward everything.
& only finished at 12.30.
Nothing else.
Kinda sad 2009 passed.
I dont want to continue,
which is stupid since time doesnt stop.
I fear 2010.
Yah, bet everyone knows why.
But oh well,
im going to go for 2010 anyways. :D
Since i cant change anything or delude myself into hallucinating it's still 2009 Jan 1st.
Thats all.
Blog when i have something to say.
- Counting to Olevel results.. 10 days.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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