Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Even when results day is over,
i didnt get much sleep.
Dammit luh. >.<
Went to meet Rach, Steffi and LiXuan.
Discussed about poly courses and JC.
You know, it's better to get opinions from more people than to be thinking about it all by yourself and finally,
deciding to go head to bed and sleep and ignore it. :/
Though we didnt really discuss it,
we actually did something.
Wrote down all the 12 choices.
But the problem is,
what if i couldnt get into the course i want and ended up getting something i never wished for.
Yah, my results are good,
but other people's results are even better.
Going to think about it later.
Need to go someone's house to register since my printer doesnt have anymore ink.
Aww. D:
& i have just the right person in mind. ;)
Probably going to be a little brainwashed later on.
But it doesnt hurt to get more suggestions from people. :]
it concerns my future.
Went to eat KFC with Steffi.
Talked about things.
& i forgot to cry about the fact that everyone is going different ways.
Going to disiao some people and see what their plans are, for now.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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