Thursday, January 14, 2010
Went for various JC openhouses with Reb, her mum, SeeMin & LiXuan. :)
Headed to AJC.
Met Brandon there.
Then toured around.
No feeling. :x
While touring, saw ChaoNgin, XiuYi, Melvin & Brandon, again. LOLs.
I called out to ChaoNgin and we were acting as if we parted for eons and we were finally together again.
Then Rebby's mum drove us to YJC.
Met Joshua at the entrance.
Still no feeling. :/
Toured ~
& met most of the guys from the class. =.=
The person who was explaining to us.. Was kind of sloppy.. ? :/
Anyways, continued walking.
Next stop, NYJC.
Originally was going to SRJC first.
But Rebby's mum made a wrong turn and ended up heading to NYJC instead. :/
Anyways, the feeling came !
Ok lah, normal people will have feelings for a school building that is so damn nice right ?
This is 'ren zhi chang qing'. :DD
The more we walked, the more i wanted to run away.
Damn, if it continued, means im practically throwing myself into a fire pit ? x.x
I know that im going to die if i enter JC.
Went to SRJC after that.
I had the feeling ! D:
I mean, the spirit. Kinda. :/
Just when im considering it,
ChaoNgin gave her comments.
I guess it's all up to me tomorrow.
Seems like tons of people are going to NYJC.
went to eat Vegetarian food. :D
Rebby's mum is so damn nice luh. x.x!
She paid for us. D:
Felt so bad, man. :/
Then when we were going home,
decided to go Grandma's house to discuss with aunt.
Almost missed the station because i was somehow overly engrossed in my own train of thoughts.
& i literally, got brainwashed.
Being persuaded and swayed by the stupid Rebby, LX and SM was bad enough.
The buildings were worst.
Ended up they told me all those 'JC is good' kinda thing ! @.@
Was still rather confused when i left Grandma's house.
But made up my mind when i on comp.
Actually, just a few moments ago. :x
So i guess i'll be registering tomorrow.
Going to meet Rebby. ^-^
Long day today.
How does MOE expect us to decide which course or path we want to take in a mere 4days ?
I mean, the decision itself changes everything.
It's not like during PSLE when you can just enroll yourself into a neighbourhood school and think nothing of it.
But i guess, everything's decided then.
That's about all ?
Everything lies in the hands of fate.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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