Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sheesh lah.
Sometimes i seriously think that me and my mum's ba zi clashes with one another, ALOT.
She just keeps nagging at me each day she comes back from work. And when im in a good mood, she'll quickly cause a mood change in me through her sarcastic manners.
Now i know why im so sarcastic. -.=
During a quarrel, she'll just scold me and try to put the blame on herself. Sort of like reverse methods? Then i'll be trying to reiterate that she's not in the wrong, i am. ( Though i have to admit it's sometimes my fault. =x )
HOWEVER!! She'll continue on with it several times like wth?! Then i'll be like sian-ing. So will raise my voice, abit, then she starts thinking that im trying to express the body language of, "im not in the wrong" or something.
Gosh luh.
I just cant make out what's in her mind every minute. One second she's having a bad mood. The next, she's joking with me! OMG sounds so psychotic. =x Oops.
Anyways, i think that's why im abit mood-swingish as well. Hais. I hope i have my dad's temper but my mum's independence only. How nice would that be...
I cant stand her anymore. >.< Im going literally insane day by day, driven by her temper. I should just shun away from her. =x Or maybe that was harsh.
Serious, if i were to look back, there arent many occasions that we didnt argue in a day. The day where she would not scold me, is most probably on her birthday.
Im not sure why. She can make a change only temporarily. Like me. @.@
She'll be back to her original self in no time, if she attempts to 'draw in' her temper. xD
Sians. Shall not talk about such unhappy events.
Ok, so what did i do today? O-O Hmm..
I slacked, and slept, and ate..
OMG i've been slacking the whole day! -.-!!
Im still left with the stupid testimonial thing, which i have no idea where to start from!
That thing is so damn bhb lor. I see already also want to laugh. -.=" Like selling/promoting yourself, kind of thing.
Not meant for me. >.<
Shall end here. No mood continue comp le.
Thanks to mum! YAY! <33 =.=
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