Sunday, May 24, 2009
LOLs! Suddenly remembered that i havent done my testimonial yet. -.= Dued tomorrow. Pro me. ;]
Ok, so was doing it in msn and practically crapping with ChaoNgin. Asked Lixuan some questions and she helped me print it out. WOO~ Tqs lixuan! <33 xD
The testimonial i read it out.. I was shaking with laughter... Well, to be accurate, is puking from BHB-ness. =.=
I hope it will disappear from Earth. =.- Where got people promote themselves?
It just doesnt seem right.
But i guess people who feels perfectly fine with writing the testimonial,exists. I wonder what they are thinking. :P
Shall end here. Need to settle some technical problems. Hais.
Damn testimonial! D:
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