Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Hi there people. I know it's been rather long since I last updated. Oh well, I was kinda busy with studies especially for upcoming tests. T.T Today nothing special happened. Yet another ordinary day in school except for 3 tests in a row. AMaths, Bio and Chinese consecutively. So sad! -.- But at least we managed to pull it through. I guess maybe tests aren't that scary after all! The worse might be to work. Adults say that working is a hard thing. I suppose so, but I still think that earning money is fun. What a childish thought eh?!
Anyways, had lessons and Physics was BORING~ I was sleeping away~ Ok not exactly sleeping but more like dozing. But must be an 'angel' ma! So I dozed awhile and paid attention awhile. xD Actually Physics might have been more fun if it came to one-to-one with Mr Ang. Ha ha. He is a humorous guy with cold and lame jokes and that is totally true! :D So the 'adventure' continues. Err.. Had recess and spammed ate within 10 mins with Elena, Reb, Li Xuan and See Min. Gosh! What a sad life in school. Eat also cannot eat slowly. So rush! >.<>.<"
Then had EMaths and the graph I drew till all so wrong >.<>.< So the 3 girls entered and the 3 guys lost. Lols! All guys lose, all girls win? -.-" New concept. Ha ha.
Went home and haven't eaten yet! Go eat maggi later. Currently doing english essay with Reb. Too bad can't chat in MSN as her comp was down with a virus. Wondered what happened. But at least it didn't obstruct us from email-ing one another the idea and issue. Ok, so that's all for today. Shall post when I feel like it. Need to do homework soon. Tuition time coming soon! Bye! ;D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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