Friday, June 27, 2008
Oh great. Today there was Art Club. Zzz.. -.- My most hated day used to be Wednesday and Mondays, now it's Friday. I used to love Fridays! T.T
Ok, so Sam Lim made announcements about the committee and I'm sure not in it. :D But I guess there was some sort of a prank, 'cause the next thing I knew, I became in charge of the Sec 1s next year. Oh gosh. Well, pity Rach as she's gonna be the VP. LOL! Adeline is the person in charge of the Secretorial group or something like that. Then I'm under her. Woots~ At least don't arrange me to Jenna or I might just quit after 1 minute. xD
And so, we became cleaners once again. Cleared the Art Room and foyer and picked up those stupid stones and sculptures. Wth?! Nobody appreciates it there, seriously. It seems more like a joke. Oh well, they don't understand at all, so saying doesn't help in anyway too.
Headed back to Art Room and went home! Woots~ I'm gonna go Bishan Stadium and J8 with Rach tomorrow to train for NAPFA. Gosh. I think my stamina dropped from average to below average, or worse! T.T So need to buck up! Currently transferring China Trip pics. Will show some to you guys when free. :D All kinda lame but funny!!
Ok, that's all. Shall go. Wow. So many peeps are still online at this hour. O.o
Bye ;)
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