Saturday, February 16, 2008
I'm being seriously bothered by that camp thing! I wished that they never had to say they wanted to send those who didn't attend the camp to join the lower sec's camp! Stupid! Never mind.. Shall make a passport asap. 1 side is Reb pulling me there and 1 side is Steffi call me to stay in Singapore. Haiz.. *Confused* Should make a 'contract' with the teachers somehow, so that I can ensure everything is in the way we all wished. :D
Ok, as for yesterday's Total Defence Day, it was fun! Ok, it might not have been very fun for those who are not in quite high spirits. I guess my mood was brought up by Elena. So thanks to Elena anyways! ;) Sat at the back of the police car and took a group picture with the friendly policewoman. Elena almost got the chance to sit on the motorcycle but she backed-out at the last minute. Sad. D:
Got a freebie! Handphone strap lah.. Quite nice.. Going to keep it and use it. Then toured around aimlessly and went to the parade square for the telematch. We sat at the left side just outside the staff room. Good view to see 309 because they were competing in lane 4. Jordon was the emcee but he was practically taking the chance to support for 309 through the mic. xD Ok then the game started and our teams were in the lead. But they somehow, got stuck at the 'preventing fire from entering the house' stage. They were supposed to seal the windows so.... Guess might take a longer time!
Then we were still in the lead after that 'window' stage. William and Jethro ran too fast already. So the guy told them to return to their starting points and re-run. xD Finally made it and they made out the fire and ran back! Wee~~ Happy for them. As for the situation at the staff room, we were cheering once about every 5 minutes. Quite kiasu nia.. =x
Ok, then returned to class and had CCA which was boring as usual and went to eat out with parents straight away. That's all. Bye! Going to 5th aunt's house today. Wonder if I'll have time to study for my Chem and read through Bio. Stressed up again! Bye. ;)
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