Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sian.. It has been a very stressful week after those 2 slacky week. -.- 2 slacky weeks in exchange for 1 whole week of work. I think we also had our own loss.. Too slack already. Suddenly everyday got test then die liao. Lols..
Anyways, today had temperature taking. I couldn't really believe that I had a temperature of 36.5! OMG! That is like quite cold-blooded for me, because I'm normally like 37++. Feel quite cold lately.. Wonder why.. Or, I might be turning cold-blooded. xD Not in that cold-blooded which meant evil, but that cold-blooded which is the same as lizards. :D
Then had Geog. Ok, I screwed it up.. So don't talk about it already. Had Bio and Ms Ng was dragging again. Let's change her with someone better. She seriously has a lot of time, but not us. -.-" Then dragged Reb to see her together to claim that extra 2 marks in my test! ^__^ Yay! 48 upgraded to 50! Which means... I WIN LI XUAN! MUAHAHAHA! LOL.. Quite excited.. Now the paper is with her.. Hope she accepts my answer! ;)
MATHS!! Scary time again. Got that 20 marks paper and I could like only do several questions. Think even if I passed it, it would be only by a bit. -.- Lucky Mr Hiew got held up because of some student issue so he couldn't come to class.. At least it relieves me from my stress.. We'll see our results tomorrow, I'll bet! :)
Lalala~~ Had English and did argumentative and did with Li Xuan. Finished the planning thing and meeting up with her later tonight in MSN to discuss.. -.- She didn't want to do it tomorrow because she had tuition, so I guess I'll have to depend on myself for quite some time.. D:
Done.. Nothing much happened except for chionging a bit of Maple only. Ok, bye! Update when I want. OMG! There's Physics test tomorrow! I better hurry up and study. Eeeks! Camp is coming and I'll not be going.. ;D
Ok, seriously gotta run. Bye! =D
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