Monday, February 11, 2008
Yo yo yo.. In quite a happy mood today.. Why? Because SS test is finally over! Weee! And we got back our Biology paper! Weee~~ xD
SS was scary.. So, Mr Goh said the other classes used about 2 or 3 periods to finish the essay. Which meant that they took about 1 hr++. BUT, because our timetable is packed, we only have half an hour to finish the essay. -.- And he was still saying that it was fair because we are 309! =.= Why do all teachers use '309' to press us down and force us to finish everything efficiently? Weird eh?
Anyways, depressing that I was thinking whether I would fail. Then drag drag and drag till Bio.. They said Ms Ng won't be coming to class but in the end, she turned up. A series of unfortunate events ar? -.-" Then she returned us our papers. Scary again~ Started with the left side of the class till our side. Everyone got around 40+ so, can say it's quite good lor! :D Then I was wondering if I might get only 30+ marks and become the laughing stock of the class, since I wasn't born good at Science. xD
Li Xuan received the paper and there wrote a 49! OMG! 49/59. =.= Hit me I also won't get that good. Ok, then was me. I almost tripped over Li Xuan's chair. -.- Nervous ma! Then she read, 48! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! The only thing I could think of during that moment was 'OMG'. LOL! Took my paper and, look! So good! ^____^ Just a few careless mistakes and wrong here and there. That Section B is like, worth so much marks that I am afraid of it. I got 23 for the Page 1 of Sect B and 17 for the rest. Nice. 23! ^.^
Ok, that's all I guess. Played Maple for quite awhile just now. I trained for so long and I only trained 4%. -.- Currently 55% but nothing to do so don't want train le. No motivation. Studies all the time.. No mood. =.=
K, nothing to write. Bye. ;)
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