Thursday, February 3, 2011
It's the long-awaited Chinese New Year !
Although i'm excited, i'm not exactly happy about it as well.
With a festive mood, i'm bound to slack off and not start studying. Just like how i have perfectly demonstrated that awhile back.
I just hope that i can get something done during this period. Have to fully-utilise the remaining 3weeks i have on hand.
Anyways, the reason i'm here at this hour, 130am, is because i'm trying my best to be filial and 守夜 for my parents.
I have no idea why i always end up dozing off during important days like that, but i'm wide awake when it's just some other random days.
So for now, trying to keep my eyelids from closing as best as i can.
If i manage to survive till 2am, that's considered quite a feat already.
Yay, gonna meet my relatives tomorrow. Oh, i mean later on. HEH.
I think we'll still wander around the neighbourhood and head to McDonalds, just like last year.
Getting me to sit at one spot and gamble is almost impossible. Even sitting at the mahjong game for 1round is enough of a pain.
SingTel, return me my messages ! ):<
Ohyes, and please give me my messages as well ! D:<
Stop eating them up with jam because i need them. HMMPH !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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