Thursday, January 27, 2011
I'm panicking now. As always. But somehow it feels different this time round. Perhaps because i know it's going to be much tougher than before and i have no confidence that i can make it through.
Although i did listen as much as i could during lectures, but it just didn't seem to be enough.
Which makes it all the more depressing because not only am i 0% prepared, i've to start memorising during the CNY period.
I hate final exams. Semestral exams are already tortures, i can't imagine what it'll be like if i've to cram all the information into my brain and not overstrain it at the same time.
I guess it's been too long since i've put stress on myself. I can feel it coming.
Insomnias are inevitable again.
Hope i can finish my proposal by tomorrow. And yes, not forgetting the powerpoint slides so i don't delay Crystal any longer.
And i thought that after FOM presentation, i could be released of some burden. I thought wrong, apparently.
I think what the teacher said today was rather crap because i couldn't exactly feel my confidence. It was as if i was there to give a talk with a memorised script and a robot body.
I guess it doesn't matter anymore since the most crucial thing is that i get a good enough grade to pass my FOM and stop worrying about its projects and more on its theory.
Listing out how many things i'm familiar with and confident in doesn't make things any simpler.
On the contrary, it actually makes me all the more jumpy because i know that it's just all talk and no actions up till now.
Which is why i'm really hoping that i can 争气一点 and complete BC tomorrow so i can focus on tutorials and memorising PACC.
This feeling of uncertainty sucks so much. Exams sucks. Life sucks.
My heart's literally jumping and that makes me jumpy and i'm jumping till i wanna cry already.
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