Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Happy 18th birthday to Elissa & Gan ! Yay yay yay ! :D
It feels as though it's been a very long time since my birthday passed when in actual fact, it's just about a month ago.
Sometimes it feels amazing how you're born at the end of the year and your friends are turning a year older than you almost immediately after that.
Anyways, i don't think they can feel the sincerity from my text even though i stay up till 12am just to send it to them before crashing on my bed.
So i guess that means i'll be walking around J8 to find something suitable/presentable/affordable.
Frankly, 18th birthday doesn't seem much of a difference to me. It's like another ordinary birthday. The only other priviledge is that you can go drinking. Officially. Not that i'm going to start downing one entire bottle on my own anyway.
Mini celebration today, actually it seems more like a gathering, was rather successful and fun.
Hope we could really get to go out together more often. Together as in all 8. At least it feels a little more complete.
FOM is still ongoing. 70% done, i guess. Hope we could get it done by the end of this week.
ITB not yet started. Like as if we know how to start in the first place when she didn't even teach us all those stuffs.
BC introduction not yet started. Seriously i have no idea what information i'm going to use so i think i'll just work on that on weekends.
GEMs project assignment on Friday and quite dreading it. But well, i like my GEMs class more, and the reason's kinda complicated so i'll leave it out !~
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