Thursday, January 6, 2011
Haven't i mentioned before that everyday was happening. Yeaps, i almost forgot about that myself until i heard about the incident today.
Imagine it just being the fourth day of school and all these is happening.
Just got so fucking frustrated when i knew about it. Like wtf, if you have anything unhappy, just settle it face-to-face rather than stabbing people at the back lah.
Tmd, 赢不了就来暗的。
Even as a third party, i feel extremely upset and angry for her. Seriously, sometimes i wonder how people can let such things get by without speaking for themselves.
Maybe i'm just not that self-sacrificial as compared to them. 我没有那么伟大。
Perhaps it's because i've had enough of all the bullshyt in the past.
Anyways, this has reminded me how relationship works if you don't try to get along. What happens when you've decided that you didn't give a damn anymore and just offended people like it's nothing.
Not that it's bootlicking, but social relations are like the priority. Interesting that we're just learning the ropes but we're acting as if we're in the real world.
3 projects. BC barely taking off but glad that the ideas are almost finalised. FOM almost finished besides the editing and powerpoints. ITB, no freaking idea what we're supposed to do so i'll just leave it.
I'm not ready for final exams.
I'm not prepared to cram all the things i learnt in the past year together.
But i guess all these just means it's time i get prepared.
What was my resolution for this year again ? Paying attention during lectures. And i broke that because i was busy yawning/closing my eyes.
Everything is a worry. But econs seems more troublesome. I'll get it figured out, hopefully, by the end of the week.
做不到就改姓。 *Surname, not gender okay. I don't have the ability to change that.
LOL, so steady. But somehow i think i'll procrastinate.
I accept the challenge.
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