Sunday, January 30, 2011
It's been raining so often since yesterday. Rain, stop, rain, stop, rain.
Not that i hate the weather - it's the best kind of weather/temperature you'd wish for before you sleep/nap. But on the other hand, it just means that work productivity is almost zero.
Lucky for BC, she postponed the submission date to after CNY, so i guess i still have another week to modify, if any.
& i'm not exactly satisfied with my progress in FOM. I just memorised what's coming up for the lecture test so that just says that i'm still not prepared for exams.
Although i promised i was gonna complete GEMs, i'm still stuck at the selling points and the ads, so i think i'll just continue with my unfinished PACC.
So much to do on a day like that.
I should be in bed.
Or at least, i shouldn't be doing anything.
I guess i'll have to bring notes and my laptop with me during CNY. A great way to celebrate. (Y)
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