Saturday, January 15, 2011
I think rather than wasting time in school sweating and doing mostly nothing each Friday night, we should all just head down to the Science Centre. I mean, it's air-conditioned, free, have better telescopes, a better view, and a 360degree-turning dome that i could play with all night.
Always thought that those things didn't exist in Singapore, and TADAA, it just poofed out in front of my eyes yesterday. So i guess it was a rather experiential trip. It would have been better without the rain though. Somehow i think we just aren't fated with such things. No idea why.
I hope the zodiac signs still remain the same. Like seriously, i don't want any changes anymore. Since we're all accustomed to it, just stick with it. And what the heck is Ophiuchus anyway. I still prefer Sagittarius more.
At least i'm not the only one affected. But it just feels jinx-ish/too coincidental that i fall within the date range of the new sign. Tyvm.
Dear Earth, stop wobbling on your axis and keep still so maybe we wouldn't have to discuss something like that already.
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