Friday, January 21, 2011
Good weather, good sky, good day, good evening.
Everything's almost perfect since i've managed to force myself to complete both PACC and Econs tutorial in school earlier on.
Although GEMs' brainstorming is still a headache, at least i can say i'm heading somewhere so it doesn't really mean i'm not progressing at all.
Thanks to constant chilly winds and the sun to moderate the temperature, i must say it's been quite awhile since i've seen such a nice weather. Plus i didn't sweat at all the entire day ! I mean, usually i'd be "drenched" when i reach the GEMs classroom or when we're at the balcony observing stars. Today's a rare exception.
The presentation they did today made me feel that at least there's a little hope for them.
There were too many nice and fascinating things to look out for so i'll just give up on listing them. And the moon is super duper damn round today. I think it's on par with mid-autumn festival, and maybe even rounder/brighter !
Well, i'd say everything's good. In general.
But i came back to looking at the exam schedule and it's cui ttm.
Exactly one month before exam starts and i have barely gotten all the concepts into my head. I think i'll survive PACC and Econs if i put in a little more effort. For FOM, i'm still unsure. Just hoping that i can at least identify and come up with some strategies on the spot.
*Praypray* 亲爱的观音妈,请保佑我 !~
Being overwhelmed by the shock of realising exams are round the corner. *Pulls up socks*
*Heads to bed*
Tomorrowwillbeabetterday, tomorrowwillbeabetterday...
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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