Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The highly anticipated CNY holiday has ended for 2days now.
Life back in school is still rather copeable probably because BC's finally off the shoulders. Well, it was over today when it could have been yesterday, thanks to my old thumbdrive being so outdated that even the computers in the printing shop refused to open the file.
But what matters is that it's all over now, and i'm not intending to think about it anymore.
The problem now, lies with ITB and i'm VERY worried about whether it's acceptable.
Plus with exams nearing, double stress.
So stressed that sometimes when i sleep my way on the train, i just wake up startled halfway when my brain subconsciously reminded myself what was waiting ahead.
Tried to stop procrastinating but failed, thanks to epic fatigue.
No idea why but CNY feels like it's draining my energy slowly and the effect's still there.
Must be because i didn't catch up on enough sleep. I mean, it's like waking up in early morning, heading out all day, and reaching home at 1am. And it continues for the remaining 4days, including the weekends.
Good thing is that ITB lesson is cancelled later today. Not exactly cancelled, but more like consultation for projects. But i guess nobody has the intention to consult her in anything, so it might as well mean that it's "cancelled".
Anyways, another friend's 18th birthday ! Wooh, sometimes i feel quite happy that it's their birthdays because it means i'm still the youngest one. HOHO.
& Valentine's day has become an advanced April Fool's day, seriously.
Imma chiong to complete GEMs slides and memorising PACC later today !
After my nap, that is. Yay.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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