Thursday, December 30, 2010
2011 new year resolutions
1. First and foremost, let me get an even better GPA. Or at the very least, let me maintain it.
2. Second most important thing is that i'm hoping the new year marks the end of my emo/crying days, and let me dig that smile out again.
3. Become a little more mature. Okay, not too mature since it sucks to think too much. Just become someone that my dad would consider “会想的人”.
4. Let me be a little richer. Be it being a little more thrifty or striking the lottery when i don't gamble. Money is of the essence !
5. Appreciate the existence of bastards.
6. Stop being so 粗鲁 and become demure. :D
7. Pay more attention to lectures/tutorials rather than phone/laptop.
8. Be more devoted to praying. I'm like 人在心不在 now.
9. Everyone around me to be happy and healthy !~
10. Find my 人生の目标.
11. Try to jump to Japan.
2010 evaluations
The year pretty much, started well because of the rather decent Olevel grade i got. Sort of like a turning point in my life. And then followed by the class chalet which was the best, i wouldn't trade the memory for anything.
Time flew, poly started, and the alienation began. Seeing all the different types of people i thought never existed when i was in secondary school. Though it's quite a sucky experience, i guess it has made me understand certain things and learn to adapt over time. Despite the constant temptations of punching them, i've to thank them for letting me see another side of the world. And also because of them, it has shown me who are the ones that actually cares. Ohyeah, entering poly means having a new CCA and i'm kinda glad i said goodbye to art club permanently. However, astro hasn't exactly improved much of my knowledge because of my incompetency to read up on relevant topics. Yeah, imma improve on that.
Consider the breaking-down period another major lesson.
1month holiday that came after exams was a blast. Catching up so much that i thought i wouldn't be able to handle it. But that was the most eventful holiday i ever had in my life. And through it all, i got to see some other sides of my friends so it makes me ponder whether i even know them enough to be called their friend.
Now as we reach the end of the year, i still don't feel that we're close enough. I'm not sure if i should add "bonding more with classmates" as a resolution because it's a two-party thing. Optimism doesn't make conversations when the heart is closed.
Which sums up to quite a bit of growing up, though my parents still questions that. Sigh.
However much i disliked some people because of all the troubles that they've posed as we work together, with the ending of the year, it seems that the mood for hating has ended with it. Now i'm hoping that all these stays in 2010 and that 2011 would be made up of happier memories.
I sound so noble, right - 大人有大量,大人不记小人过.
But tell me why we still have problems when the year is ending..
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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