Sunday, November 7, 2010

Still alive and kicking and done with FOM research.
Even though i'm having this bad feeling, i'm washing my hands off it for now.
What matters is that i've done my part. Anything beyond what i'm supposed to do is not really my business.
Call it being overly-practical, but i did learn my lesson and i'm not gonna poke my nose into it unless i see a severe need to.
Dead beat now. Thought i was gonna fall asleep in front of the computer while doing research.
Luckily i didn't else i think i'll finish it at about 2am.
Feeling quite happy that i managed to finish my tutorials and project research before Sunday.
Okay, it's actually Sunday now, but it doesn't count unless after i've woken up.
So i guess i've got another 11hrs to enjoy the day before the 4th week starts.
It's been almost a month already. Time really flies.
& i'm still holding on. (;
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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