Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Means i'm not the only one feeling this way too.
Somehow the most important words are never said, and the most useless ones are always spoken.
Perhaps it's because they regard "speaking your mind" as a risk.
"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication".
Sadly, i've not reached that level yet, and i think i pretty much suck at it.
Anyways, today is definitely a much better day than yesterday. Way much better.
Going home earlier, cup rice after eons, sleeping for 3hrs. (Y)(Y).
Even though i didn't do what i listed for myself, i'm still feeling satisfied from sleeping for 3hrs.
My sleeping pattern has changed back to something a tad more normal, from 11pm to about 7am. I feel healthier, though i know i'm deceiving myself. :D
But afternoon naps makes me wonder if i'd get to sleep at night. Doesn't matter for today because tomorrow is the last day of the week !~
Okay, now to start a little bit of researching for FOM. Like i can really put everything down and wait till the last minute.
See, this is the result of taking afternoon naps when you're home early.
Your mood gets better and you become more optimistic when you would usually be complaining about how sucky projects are.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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