Monday, November 1, 2010
Stuck in school waiting for lecture to start.
Literally dying of boredom that's why i'm here ranting again.
Lessons today revolved around personal-understanding or some sort.
BC was the discussion about our characters. Thanks, i'm proud to be an introvert. (Y)
ITB was asking us to find out which date we were born in and things like when we're reaching 10,000days old.
Yes, i'm reaching that age in 2021 when all my friends are hitting that on 2020.
But i got rather shocked when i saw that i lived for about 6k days already.
So i've been through about 6k incidents, assuming that everyday has some problems on its own.
I feel old, all of a sudden. I guess it's these incidents that changes us and the way we think.
If you asked me what makes me happy when i'm about 1k days old, i might just say that all the toys in the world are enough to make me smile everyday.
5k days later, when you ask me that same question, it's beyond toys already.
I'm old. *Runs to the corner and cry*
Well, the comforting to know is that my parents have fed me enough to see me live to 6k days old.
I am their "fixed asset" okay. The main source of reliance in the future. Perhaps another 6k days and when you ask me what could make me happy, i might just say i'm happy.
But you never know, with my ability to complain even when i've got so many things already.
That's why scarcity exists. ;)
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