Friday, November 5, 2010
It's an ordinary day.
Regretted not waking up early enough to tag along and visit my grandfather.
Not regretting the decision to visit my grandma.
Plus i got to see my cute baby cousin that kept clinging to me for no apparent reason and she called me X times. HEH !
I think she likes me more than my parents now, yay !
Okay, there might be a possibility that she just got attracted to the headphones around my neck than me. But i don't care, it's all the same. :D
Feel like sleeping but tutorials are still waiting for me.
I think i lack of sleep to the extent that i'm actually doing self-entertaining while doing it.
I start talking to myself halfway. Stuffs like, "Aiyah, 明明就在那边" or "怎么办怎么办怎么办,erh 知道了" and i end it off with "白痴leh".
I think i'm mad.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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