Tuesday, November 9, 2010
1. Woke up to an effing good weather.
2. Bathed in a totally cooling weather and ended up hiding under my blanket.
3. By the way, i woke at 6am.
4. Econs reminds me that it's time i woke up and started revision.
5. Lucky i brought FOM notes because i got too lazy to take it out from my file.
6. I'd be screwed if i didn't bring it.
7. Finished up FOM project, finally.
8. Thought we weren't gonna make it, or at least, take up till Wednesday to finish things up.
9. Our quick completion partly due to simplified work requirements and luck.
10. I'm hoping we can start our CA1 project way ahead so we don't end up doing last minute work anymore.
11. BC lesson cancelled, celebration at Hilltop.
12. Followed by a firedrill and immediate dampening of mood.
13. Headed to FC4 because didn't feel like going home.
14. Dropped my phone on the way. ON THE ROAD, wtf.
15. Obviously there are new scratches on my phone now.
16. Not forgetting that my heart got scratched with it, even though i keep throwing my phone on the bed/sofa.
17. Pray that it can tahan till next year when i change my phone. *Prays*
18. Slacked at FC4 till the timing we would be dismissed from BC.
19. Met my parents, coincidentally, again.
20. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
21. I wouldn't be looking forward to this particular week's Wednesday because of project, but since we're done with ours, there's something to be happy about.
22. Okay, maybe we just need to take a group photo for the ending slide.
23. 2hrs lesson, love it.
24. What can i do when i reach home at about 130pm ? Sleep, of course.
25. I can't imagine what life might be like when the next 2years come.
26. It makes me sigh automatically, on the thought that it's just the first year.
27. And then i wonder if my cousin went through all these before she made her way into NUS.
28. Try my best to work harder. 1month left.
29. There's nothing to do online these days.
30. But i'm still online, so i think i'm an idiot afterall.
31. Killing time by reading blog posts.
32. Regretting because the more i read, the more i felt sick of all those lies they come up with.
33. Always “当局者迷,旁观者清”。 Always.
34. It's already been a month since school started.
35. Also been a month that i've kept my promise to myself.
36. Obviously, after a month of schooling, i'm sleeping my way home.
37. Maybe we really should recommend the building of a hotel in SB.
38. Everyday, the same things goes through my head.
39. I can't wait for my holidays already. After 1month, i just about had enough.
40. I don't care if exams comes before it. I don't care majors comes 2months after that. I need it.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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