Monday, November 8, 2010
Few weeks back, i realised i've been consuming excessive amounts of junk food. Or rather, heaty food in general.
So now, i'm making an extra effort to even bother to look at what i'm putting into my mouth.
I guess i've been in a desperate attempt to neutralise all the heatiness within my body that got accumulated in 17years, which explains the number of fruits i stuff into my mouth everyday.
Well, i didn't really consider what might happen if i over-did it, so now i'm regretting my decision of accepting the kiwi my parents handed me.
Yeah, i couldn't recall what was the reason for me running in and out of the bathroom until my parents asked what i ate in school and i replied, "Honeydew and papaya".
Adding it all up, i've eaten honeydew, papaya, apple and a kiwi in one day. Well done. (Y)
Obviously my healthy diet plan backfired.
I'm just hoping that i don't have to get up in the middle of the night and stumble my way in the dark, for the toilet.
Thanks to my speechless smartness, the only fan that's on in my room is the notebook cooler.
Somehow everyone's getting sick these days.
Time to take extra precautions so that i stay a bit healthier. Especially in this period that is so crucial.
FOM project continuation tomorrow.
I can't believe that "toilet" and "project" is co-existing in my brain right now.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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