Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Being the usual procrastinating me, i've successfully delayed the time for me to study.
But the purpose behind the delay was really meaningful. :D
Got to spend quality time with Rebby. Whee ~
Okay, it was rather last minute because supposedly, we wanted to catch a movie. But in the end, because of many reasons, the plan failed.
& then i got too tired of my small little room despite the big windows, so i decided to meet up with her since she's free, just before school starts FOR HER. :P
Yeaps, too bad Lixuan couldn't join us. ):
That mere 3hrs, i found my old memories.
Things like Sumo House, that was always what we took for granted during the 4years..
Missed it. That cheapo-ness. LOL !
Still as stingy as ever. I guess being with them is good because you get to learn how to be more kiamsiap. HAHAA !
Ate, talked, crapped, slacked, shopped, gossiped. Many many things. Miss her. (:
& i have successfully gotten her onto a picture, what with her camera shyness. :P
I must admit it was really paiseh to be taking pics while waiting for our bubble tea, but c'mon, we don't do that everyday right. :S
Home-d after that.
Very short period, but it's nice to know that at least she's ALIVE.
Okay, maybe life isn't that good since she failed everything except her Chinese. But hey, life isn't anywhere better for me.
Sometimes their problems are quite minor to me.
Makes me wonder whether they would go jump off a bridge if they met mine instead.
Guess they're considered fortunate to not have to face certain things.
But then again, if they really do face it in the future, are they going to end up in IMH if they can't figure things out..? O-O?
Well, that's something they'd have to go through themselves.
I'm so happy i could fly ~
Just kidding, i've got some issues with heights. LOL.
But this meeting up has given me energy to continue ! T-T
Maybe not. No idea why. Meeting her makes me want to go back to Deyi and avoid SP now. ZZ.
Shouldn't meet up too often..?
Haven't found present for *TOOOT*. HEHEE.
Okay, it's still months away. We can do it slow and steadily ~
Reminds me, i've got some people on the pending list as well.
Hmm, looks like i'm going broke soon. -.-
Got so many things on my to-do-list. The priorities are obviously studies.
The ironic thing is that it's at the bottom of my list. LOL !
Like Shiping said, i need to love my course, NOW !
Thing is, i hate maths. ZZ.
Kns. Somemore all the maths pros surrounding me. Wtf.
Never mind, i'll ignore the world and go at my own pace !~
Dear me, please stop procrastinating and start working.
With hatred, me. (:
I'm halfway through memorising the first chapter for MOB.
But i got distracted by the message i received earlier on today.
Decided that i wanted to post it here since i didn't send that message to everyone i know, because obviously, my phone bills would go BOOMZ if i did.
So for those who didn't receive it, but are still a loyal reader of this blog, you're lucky you got to see this. (:
One fine day,
all of us will get busy with our lives, long working hours, less friends, less meetings, rare calls, no sms, no more late night chatting, won't have time for ourselves.
At such a day, you'll look outside your window and see the good old memories flash by you and you'll get a smile with a tear in your eyes and you'll turn back to your work,
I wish i could go back..
Well, i wouldn't have to wait till i began working, because i'm already feeling this way.
I'm actually quite happy i received this message, because the sender, was from 409.
& the next person i received this message from, was also in 409.
Using your brains, you would know that the original sender had intended to circulate this message within 409 alone.
That's quite touching, because at least everyone remembers, when i thought otherwise.
Last time i thought Deyi was bullshitting about the "No one is left behind" motto.
But i guess 409 really showed that.
Good achievement, Deyi. You might not know, but it'll always be in our hearts.
That's one of the reasons why we'll always be proud to say we graduated there. Even if the school's quite rundown. LOL !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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