Saturday, August 21, 2010
Been a really long night.
How many long nights do i have to go through this year ?
How many more to come ?
I'll have to get used to it, i guess.
I think there'll roughly be an estimated of 250 nights this year, that makes me just want to go BOOMZ. ZZ.
Perhaps exploding is much much better than having to suffer almost everyday..?
Besides, 250 nights to a ratio of 360 days of going WTF, BANG WALL & DIE PLEASE, it's quite proportionate.
& then again, if i did die, it'd be the most regretful thing in life. Even more regretful than entering IB.
I should cherish this more. Yeah, try cherishing the bastards and fucktards everyday. Nice. That'll be my resolution for the next few years.
Erh you, if you're reading this, don't so sad lah. Life itself, is a roller coaster. You never know when's the next bend, when you're going up, when you're sliding down. Eventually, we all come to an end.
Must 看开一点, okay !
& thanks for the help. :D
Even though i'm not sure if any problems were solved. -.-
You should stop hiding so much. Hiding is bad. HAHAA !
Okay, i sound like an idiot talking to myself.
Heading to sleep soon.
My temporary hiding place. To escape from reality, and be in my own world, even if it's only for a few hours.
It's better than nothing.
Dear technology, i think i'll never understand you.
You & i, were never meant to be. It's becoming a torture to try figuring you out.
I hope that you understand you're such a bastard to give me cookies when i didn't want any.
We're through.
P.S You should go and die. It'd do you good.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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