Sunday, August 22, 2010
What's with the "Gee, mature ? No way !" mindset ?
I can be mature okay ~
Lols, fine, it sounds quite 不要脸 to say it out, but it's true. :P
Just that i prefer immaturity as compared to being mature.
Anyways, while counselling 某人, i'm sort of counselling myself in the process as well.
Yeah, like seriously.
When have you heard that roadsweepers died because they sweep the floor ?
The main purpose in life isn't education. It is to step into society and just, survive.
Come to think of it, i'm dead sure i'll have tons of problems in the future, judging by the amount of problems i already have at this point of time.
I wonder if the lines on my palm would decrease instead of increase when i'm not looking at it.
& i'm still thinking if i have 断掌. Wonder if that's how you write it, but yah.
It's one straight line, no doubt. But there might be a break that i can't see.
Ohwell. But i look like i have a short life even though my mum said i would live to about 70years old. LOL, CHOY, i want still want live long long okay ! *Spam touchwood !
Freaking glad that my Chinese hasn't deteriorated beyond hope. :D
At least i can type something chim in it lor, please.
Mum just passed me a earpiece. It works. But then, i just want to buy another one. ):
No money no talk. I'd better save up before i ask for anything else.
My wishlist is getting longer, but my money isn't increasing.
It's like an inverse relationship instead of direct relationship, though i've no idea where my money went. ZZ.
& i saw my baby cousin today ! :DDD
Effing happy !~
Okay, not really that happy when i had to wake up at 10am when i slept at 2am. -.-
Anyways, she's hyperactive as usual. It'd be fun to look after her for a day, but not everyday.
Aunt and grandma's quite tired from chasing after her already. LOL !
But she's cute, with all her weird actions, partly to do with my aunt's childlike personality. HAHAA !
Took quite a number of pictures of her, but rather lazy to upload now. Maybe i'll do it tomorrow. :P
Aww, & she held my hand on the way to the restaurant. <3
Cute ttm, though i must admit it's quite hard to hold her hands and guide her along, with her height. :x
Well, at least she's happy. Attention-seeker. Got a feeling she'll have more 'pattern' than anybody else in the family. :S
It's good to be a kid.
No worries. Just eat, sleep, play, shyt, and the cycle continues on. You're the king/queen. Everyone looks after you.
Not like when you're all grown up, and people assume that you're old enough to be independent in anything you do. & when you don't, they start reprimanding you.
But she'll have more stress in studies next time. Quite sad.
Good thing is it's quite a long way before she starts experiencing stress.
From the looks of it though, i think she'll be rather successful since her parents are educated. Maybe less problems for her in adapting..?
... I'm 17, she's 2.
She has 15years before she meets fucked up people. It's a long way.
Maybe it's a good thing i'm 17. Okay theoretically, i'm still 16. HEH, point is, at least i've been through most things, i think.
& she has so much to learn.
All the best to her. ;)
Fine, i need the luck as well. -.-
I just remembered the stupidest mistake i always made when i was in Kindergarten.
In the exam, question : Is the papaya or durian heavier ?
Me : Hmm, of course is PAPAYA lah ! :D
Roflmao. Can't blame me. Mum never let me weigh a papaya and durian and see which is heavier.
& papayas are always bigger than durians. At least i'm smart enough to know that it's BIGGER. LOL !
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