Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I came across something really interesting on FB in the middle of the night yesterday.
It's like this really "cute" guy that screams and whines about people scolding or writing bad things about him, and how he can't tolerate it and he made it like he's going to die soon.
Wow. That's really gay can. 娘到不行.
I know how he feels, but please, he was the one going around adding people he didn't know, in order to "broaden his social network". He should've seen this coming because not everyone is willing to take his shyt at times.
But in all, a very interesting incident. Brings "colours" to FB. :D
I think i must have seen too much dramas happening around me, i'm constantly in the 看好戏 mood 24/7. LOL !
Anyways, tomorrow's the day the YOG torch enters SP and we're supposed to be there to show our "support" or anything.
The most contradicting thing is that, we don't even have any clue about what we're supposed to do, what time to meet, what to wear, etc.
LOLS, it's like totally a last minute thing.
Wonder what my teacher's thinking. Can't he just tell us the details earlier so we don't have to worry about anything ?!
Sian-ed, just when i thought it was going to be the last events i'm ever participating in, he's gonna make it one that never even happened. Fml.
Okay, quit the whining.
Don't feel like studying, as usual. ):
I think i stopped using my brains for too long a period, while racking my brains to think about MOB and POA caused severe headaches.
The very cute Angel told me not to stress myself. Though it was random, but so sweet yah. :D
I came to a conclusion that Polytechnics are the concentration of bastards, bitches, assholes, jerks and fucktards.
Quite ironic since i'm in a Poly too, but it's not like i want to be a part of those bastards/bitches/assholes/jerks/fucktards right.
You see most of these people in Business courses. Why ?
Because they're too analytical, logical, and too smart for their own good.
They think that, "Teaching you and you understanding equates to my disadvantage. So no, i'm not gonna teach you even if i know how things works."
So much for being in the same school.
Funniest thing is that, when you yourself understand, but they don't [ KARMA ! ], they expect you to teach them EVERYTHING.
Wow, i don't think i'm stupid enough to do that either.
But i'm actually having fun playing with them as well. :D
When you say you're going to mug, and they see that you've become so hardworking all of a sudden, it makes them panic.
So in the end, they'll attempt to mug so they're "infront" of you, and make sure you never catch up with them. LOL !
I guess the only thing they don't know, is that i never mug. All i do is read through, understand and that's all.
Anyways, it's still fun to see how panicky they get, and going around asking people to go mug with them. ^^
Sometimes i want to tell them in the face that, they shouldn't be looking down on other people. Because, when they do, they might end up getting worst than those they've looked down on.
Been through it. Remember, what comes around, goes around.
& as usual, you'll meet all these people that looks nice, but aren't really that nice behind your back.
Seriously, can't you guys just shut the fuck up ? It's not like you're gonna die earlier if you don't talk bad about others.
The best thing is to meet people that are plain irresponsible, retarded, and idiotic.
Wooh ~ Their "charms", too much for you. (:
All in all, i like independent learning in Poly, but i don't think i want to become independent this way.
Maybe i should have gone to some engineering courses. Life just might get better there. Too bad, too bad.
Life in poly is so vibrant, i can't wait to go back to school. :D
Just joking. I'd rather dig a hole and bury myself. :DD
I like the rain. In fact, i love it.
Okay, not when it ruins plans of going out, but generally when i don't have much of a plan and end up slacking at home. Like now.
I'd like to try crying in the rain someday. Yeah, you might think i'm insane. You're quite right actually.
Just that, watching it on TV always seems so dramatic, i only end up laughing instead of crying with them. So in order to better understand them, i should try it too. :D
So poetic, saddening, emo-ish, and whatever you call it.
& i think 雷公 agrees with me so much, he made a loud thunder and big strike of lightning that turned everything outside white. No joke.
Scared the hell outta me. Thank god my reflexes were fast to cover my ears. ZZ.
One thing i hate about it raining cats and dogs, thunder and lightning always accompanies it.
Anyways, this weather is just too nice, makes you want to :
1. Reach out of your window and touch the rain
2. Open the windows and let the wind in
3. Just go to bed
Seriously, this big window of mine makes me want to open it to its widest and let the wind in.
Too bad i can't do that, because my tutorials are stranded all over my room.
So in all, this weather is NOT suitable for studying and hoping to become productive.
Just makes me feel lazier.
Come to think of it, my previous "insight" towards studying, doesn't seem to apply still.
I can't treat it like i'm passionate about studying.
Hello, i've never liked studying. The only time i liked to go to school was in Kindergarten where all i had to do was read, draw, colour, paint, watch "Pink Panther", and sleep.
Okay, off to slack. Do i even look like i want to study ? Tsk.
My Boy - Secret
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