Thursday, April 8, 2010
Things that made me want to cry yesterday :
1. Im not in the same class with people i know. DD: DUPER SAD LAH. T-T
2. The timetable sucks big time. Will explain that later.
3. Got into yet another argument. *Sighs.
Ohyeah, the 3rd thing made me cry. Literally. -.-
So yesterday was more or less, a really sucky day.
The class thingy, i wasnt informed until i went to stalk the discussion board and realised that SP wrote some info on the website for NYAA, and ends up, they added in the class as well.
So, im officially in a class consisting of 4girls & 4guys till date. I wonder who's the other 12. :/
We'll know next week. =.=
Sadded lah. D:
Not in the same class as Jasmine & Matt. )):
Somemore, those 2 are in the same class ! TT-TT
*Bangs wall and die.
Ok, so i was already seriously demoralised by the class arrangement.
Adds up, Steffi stalked the SP page and told me that timetable was out.
With hopes, i went to check.
& i didnt know what kind of shyt im stuck in. -.=
Mon : 9am - 5pm [ 12 - 1 break ]
Tue : 10am - 5pm [ 12 - 2 break ]
Wed : 10am - 3pm [ 12 - 1 break ]
Thur : 9am - 5pm [ 10 - 11 break1 , 1 - 4 break2 =.=|| ]
Fri : 9am - 3pm [ 11 - 12 break ]
Yah i know i should be glad that i dont have lessons that starts at 8am like Steffi & Rach.
But then, 9 is bad enough. =.=
I've to wake up 2hrs before school.
So if lectures starts at 9, im waking up at 7. -.=
What's the difference from JC, man. =="
& somehow, feels like among the 3 of us, my timetable's the longest. -.-
Even Rach is dismissed at 12 on certain days.
Im dismissed earliest, 3pm. =.=
However, in comparison, the other 2 classes arent getting anywhere better.
Looked at their timetable and it was equally/even more sucky than mine.
So i should be glad..?
The only maddening thing about it is that i have freaking stats on MONDAY as FIRST LESSON. -.-
Thank god it's only 1hr. =.=
Come to think of it now, 1.5hr of English with MrsAng & MrsGruber wasnt that bad. -.-
Well, for one, i dont have 3hr lectures/tutorials. =.=
I have lecturers with weird names. -.-
Anyway, the luckiest [ or come to think of it, sad ] thing is that me, Steffi and Rach are going to school together each Friday. :DD
Just that both of them are going to school together on Thurs as well.
So im going to school alone for 4days. :/
Ok, i have nothing to blog.
Just thought that i'll share with you,
Hmm, maybe it wouldnt be so sucky since im going home with Rach on Mon-Wed and Fri, and going home with Steffi on Thurs. :DD
Let's just hope that we dont have too much projects and reduce the probability of us going home together.. ):
Have to settle my own lunch ~
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