Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I finally made the pancakes. :DD
It was a total success, apart for the fact that it didnt quite look as rounded as those you would expect. :x
I guess mum didnt figure out how she's going to form a perfect circle either.
But after watching a commercial, i knew just the way to do it ! ;D
So i guess it'll be even more successful the next time i do it with Steffi ! ^^v
& did i mention,
Originally, my parents were taking an afternoon nap as usual.
I think mum wasnt that tired so she came into my room and asked me to on my desktop so that she could watch Autumn's Concerto.
Boy, i literally forgot how long it took to start up, load Firefox and Youtube. -.-
The entire procedure took approximately.. 15mins..?
Gosh, that's why im seriously glad that i have my lappy now.
Im so not going to waste 15mins of my life waiting for a 5year-old computer kick itself to life and die on me while it's loading. -.-
Plus McAfee only made the entire comp hang and lag even more because of it's constant updating and virus scannings.
Irritates me to the max. =.="
So in the end, i was using FB on my laptop, mum was using desktop, we were both stuck in my room.
Call it family bonding. xP
After awhile, i hit the bullseye because Youtube died on her, refusing to load the video.
Felt kind of sad because it was rare for mum to tell me to on comp for her usage.
Eventually, i let her use FB and she played Bejeweled.
I guess i must have made a wrong move because i ended up being super annoyed at the fact that she had better gems than i had. D:
Worst, she constantly says that she doesnt have any good gems when everything is right in front of her ! x.x
Finally, i gave up and decided that i should stop watching her play else im going to vomit blood. -.=
To an extent though, it was fun. (:
Headed to AMK for dinner.
Bought a skirt for 22bucks.
Oh well, i guess since im going to need more clothes, might as well invest on something that i will constantly wear for the next few months. :P
Im not sure if i should say it looks nice/weird. :/
To me, it seems totally weird because :
1. I dont wear a tie. Never do.
2. I dont wear skirts. I remember telling mum im a tomboy, so i shouldnt be wearing one. -.-
3. I never had the guts to wear something like a seifuku, so it took quite some courage to turn everything around and changing my sense of fashion.
Even though mum nagged at me for spending $8 on a freaking tie, i thought that it was totally worth it. :P
I like the crown that's sewed on the end of the tie. Gives a really classy feel. :D
& the skirt's the kind that i always wanted, not that im going to neglect the other one i bought awhile back, but yah, WISH FULFILLED. :D
Now i'll have a stack of clothes that should be enough to last me till the end of the year..? I hope. :/
Might be barely surviving till then.. @.@
Orientation's next week already.
That's so damn fast.
In a matter of days, i'll have to bid farewell to my dear holidays and face the fate of mugging. ):
I shall pray everything goes smoothly ~
*Praying in progress ...
I shall leave you guys to die.
Like i care ! ):<
I care, dont i ? Who am i trying to deceive ?
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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