Sunday, March 21, 2010
Been raining ever since i woke up, around 1pm. :/
& it actually continued till around 3-4pm..?
I love days like this.
But then again, it's so freaking cold i just wish to lie on my bed and be lazy. Not that im not lazy now. :x
I could bet $100 that there was a significant change in room temperature the moment i stepped into my room from the living room.
It just dropped, literally.
bus-ed down to GuanYin Temple myself since my parents dumped me at home instead of being willing enough to sacrifice half an hour to wait for me while i bathed, blow my hair dry and tie my hair.
Oh well. I still have my MP3 as a companion. :P
Surprisingly, met Grandma, uncle and cousins there. :/
Call it coincidence. ~.~
Went to walk around Bugis street and changed my shorts.
Nothing caught my eye, and if it did, im broke & i dont think mum would agree with me buying it because she would say :
It's not YOUR sense of fashion.
Tsktsk. :/
& thank goodness i bought 5 freaking tops, else i'll be wondering what im going to wear this coming week.
Cant expect me to wear the same thing over and over again, right ? >.<
Headed to eat dinner after we went our separate ways.
My life stories are so boring nowadays. ):
Even as the blogger, i feel bored. -.-
Stupid school, starts only at April when JC students already went back to school after their holidays.
Worst thing is, YYBJ said orientation was only for 2 days. DD:
For her school, that is.
Stupid SP, dupe me. -.-
& i happily thought orientation was 5days.
NOW LOOK ! =.=
But then again, maybe 2 days IS indeed better than 5 days.
Imagine going to school for ridiculous introductions to the Head of Departments/Schools, your lecturers, and probably, YOURSELF.
Damn, i hate self-introductions.
I get nervous, i stammer, i feel like digging a hole in the ground and become the disciple of an ostrich and just run away from everyone.
Tmd. =.=
Sians thing of the day : I changed my shorts from S to M and now, it's BIGGER than what i need. -.-
Damn, couldnt they just moderate it so that it suits PERFECTLY.
Lucky i have belts that can hold it on my waist. -.-
This is what you get with $10. =.=
But im proud of myself. ^^
I shall go back again someday. :P
Everyone's so mad excited about DIARY OF THE WIMPY KID lah ! xD
Ok maybe im the only being overjoyed about it. :P
Obviously, my companions for the movie is the retarded-est ChaoNgin, Rach & Steffi. xP
ChaoNgin said she showed it to her friends but she was the only one laughing. LOLs.
See, some people dont click.
Well apparently, the 4 of us CLICKED. xD
But first, we'll have to wait for ChaoNgin to check what's with the weird timings before deciding. :/
Off to read NewMoon now. :D
Yeah, im surprised i actually finished Twilight, AGAIN, and am continuing. -.-
I wish i bought the entire series of 'Diary of Wimpy Kid'. ):
SAVE UP ! $.$
Till then.. ;D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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