Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Ok, some freaking annoying error is happening to my comp's internet connection.
Couldnt enter FB, MSN, and other things.
It takes eons for them to load and the next thing i know, they're telling me that they cant connect to the website. -.=
Well, the good thing is that i can finally access internet.
The bad thing is, i have no idea why but i just cant have multiple tabs under the same window.
Which is such a waste of 'space'. =.="
For a second, i was panicking.
I asked myself what im going to do if the comp really broke down again. TOUCHWOOD !
Answer : Im going to be bored to death and this comp's going to be totally useless. -.-
Lucky thing it's functioning properly again.
Im not a comp geek or something, so i have completely no idea of certain terms when people use it.
Stupid comp. =.=
Ohmy, im getting kinda scared about school. :x
Apparently even those in media courses are having a hard time.
Imagine business ones. =.=
I bet i would only be interested in the cultural and language modules only.
The others are just... Torture.. -.-
Too many worries.
Totally unnecessary since worrying doesnt change reality.
Im almost done with my enrolment package ! :D
After a century, im done with it. :P
But the problem lies with the direct credit thing.
Not sure about what to do with that. =.=
& the last thing is online enrolment. :DDD
From what i heard, ok fine, it was just from Steffi alone :/, there's quite a few 'tough' questions.
I have no idea how enrolment is supposed to be 'tough', so i shall see till the day i do it. (:
Pray hard my comp doesnt do something stupid and annoying again. -.=
Well, i think i might like my coursemates.. ?
Ok, maybe just one of 'em.
But, one is better than nothing. :P
She SEEMS nice. Never know, but im crossing my fingers and praying. >.<
Hmm, i admit Bishan is a little teeny-weeny far from Dover. :/
Damn you, circle line, come to my aid please ! T-T
I miss 409. ):
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