Saturday, March 6, 2010
Yah i know. I've said this like, the umpteenth time already. :/
Sorry lah, i kept kena duped by a stack of non-living papers because everything i double-checked, something new would pop out and it meant that i had to fill in another form as well.
But im really glad to say it's all over. >.<
Freaking irritating to see so many pieces of paper waiting to be mailed.
Sad thing is, me, Steffi & Rach's card collection date is TOTALLY different. ):
Rach's on 26th, mine's 30th, and Steffi's 31st. -.-"
But we shall accompany one another, which is good in a way. ^^
So the last and final thing im left with...
-Mailing of the damned brown envelope. -.-
Saddening because it's Saturday and i think, for efficient mailing services, i need to head down to AMK's post office just to mail it. =.="
Well, i hope enrolment's all smooth-sailing. :/
Anyway, went to watch Alice in Wonderland 3D with ChinChao. :DD
There were quite a number of 'obstacles' because ends up, i had to rush around between my house and AMKHub. ~.~
Oh well. =.=
The movie was not bad lah.
Was expecting myself to feel really giddy after looking at the 3D graphics.
But surprisingly, i felt ok.
Perhaps it was because the 3D effect wasnt that outstanding. :x
Liked the movie, still.
However, story plot's soso. But.. What do you expect ? :/ It's a well-known story afterall.
After the movie, walked around aimlessly and went to the library, occupied the space there and wasnt even reading any books.
Just plainly, sitting there and chatting. :x
Headed home.
Time to save money already ~
Going to be broke at this rate.
Im going to continue my job-hunting.
Well, more job opportunities = more choices. :P
Shall weigh my options carefully. ;D
Tired. Update when i feel like it.
Which shouldnt be more than a week. :x
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