Saturday, March 20, 2010
Went out with mum to Bugis Street today. :D
Good thing is that, i bought 5 tops !
But the sad thing is, i spent a freaking 50 bucks altogether, excluding certain clothes which mum decided to pay for me.
& the pair of shorts i bought, was too small.
I know it's rather rare for me to say clothes are too small for me since mostly,
the situation would be more of : It's too BIG for me.
Anyways, going to the temple to pray tomorrow, so maybe i can make a little trip back down and find that idiot salesgirl and tell her that she was freaking wrong.
I wouldnt be so mad if she didnt say :
Confirm dont need to come back and change. Will fit one.
Tmd. -.-
Lucky i smart.
Ever since LiXuan got duped by another stall in Bugis street,
my conclusion when buying bottoms is : Please remember to ask whether you can change if it doesnt fit.
Mum still said i was being kiasu luh.
That girl is so going to get it from me tomorrow.
Speaking of which, supposedly, im going out with LiXuan and the others tomorrow since she said that it would be best we met during March holidays, else everyone's going to be very busy soon.
In the end, she told me that she and Reb couldnt make it because they didnt finish their homework.
Im not being a spoilt brat lah.
I can accept the fact that homework is definitely more important than going out.
But since she has NO CONFIDENCE in being able to complete work,
then why BOTHER planning this from the very beginning ?!
Kns sia.
The thing i hate when going out with them is that,
there will be a 70% chance that some of them back-out and all the planning goes down the drain.
It's just a torturous process lah.
Furthermore, maybe she aint 'experienced' enough in planning such outings,
she didnt even indicate when and where we are supposed to meet.
& she wouldnt have told me if i hadnt messaged her to ask for the details. -.=
I should seriously stop using my laptop to play/blog/FB/MSN/anything. :/
It's really tempting when i see it in front of the desktop.
Duh, in comparison, my desktop's speed is freaking LAGGY nowadays. -.-
Maybe i wouldnt have realised if not that my laptop's going at a very fast speed. :/
Apparently, mum doesnt understand the fact that desktops becomes laggier even when you dont download anything, anymore.
The only explanation whenever i tell her that my desktop lags is :
Im downloading way too much stuff, it cant comprehend with the size. -.-
Seriously, i dont download anything already lor.
& if i really did, the file size is damn small. =.=
Plus this desktop is already around.. 4-5years old..?
The previous, very old computer my cousin left me, was 7years old.
Maybe my desktop could even break her record, at this rate. :/
But it's really getting on my nerves when it continuously breaks down and i have to continuously repair the different parts. =.=
I sound like im whining on this post. :/
Ok lah, considered quite a few things to blog about already ma. :P
Better dont bore all of you out.
I think i should seriously remove the tagboard since it's DEAD.
Even if i have readers, i dont even know ! -.-
So im not the only stalker in-the-making around here. xP
Still kinda happy about the tops i bought today.
Wakaka. xD
But then again, im lacking in bottoms.
So i dont think the matter was solved..? -.-
Shopping list :
- Laptop bag
- Backpack
- Bottoms [ Shorts, jeans, skirts :x ]
- Watch
- Pencil case
- Stationaries
- Another pair of shoes
Just look at that ~
Man, im going broke.
Yah i know, been saying that ever since.. Dont know when. =.=
Whatever. ~ :/
& i still told Steffi she was generous enough to buy a pair of shoes that costs $79 because it was somewhat similar to SHINee's. :x
Not anywhere better. x.x
That's about all.
Next week's updates would be more interesting. ;D
I think. :x
Well, seriously looking forward to Diary of the Wimpy Kid, Kaiji, PICNIC !
Events, events, here i come. :P
Fullstop !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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