Monday, March 8, 2010
Life's boring now. :/
No major happenings.
Oh wait, not even MINOR happenings. -.-
I made another friend today. :D
Ok it doesnt really seem to fit into this situation.. :/
Oh well.. :DD
So the sians thing of the day :
She hasnt really gotten over FAG. :/
Actually, im not angry nor am i shocked.
Expected lah. She's kinda blind when it comes to relationships. =.=
Just that im really.. Speechless. -.=
Dont know what to update. -.-
I shouldnt say it yet. Bet i'll regret it once school starts. :x
For you , i would have done whatever
And i just cant believe, we aint together
-We're just friends, what are you saying
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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