Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Just finished watching Autumn's Concerto.
Damn nice and touching.
Actually, i seldom watch dramas with these kinda saddening storylines.
The last drama that made me decide to stop watching all those making-you-teary-eyed shows was Winter Sonata.
That's like freaking eons ago. -.-
Oh well.
But eventually, they all have nice endings. :P
Except for Winter Sonata where the guy goes blind. :/
I was literally laughing and smiling to myself in front of the monitor while watching the last episode. =.=
But i dont think i should say i finished watching the ENTIRE show because i didnt.
Apparently, i started the show halfway through at episode 10 out of a total of 21.
I wouldnt be watching it if my mum wasnt watching it on tv.
Oh well. ~.~
This is somewhat similar to the situation where i watched Atashinchi no Danshi. :x
Anyways, i knew the ending was definitely going to be nice.
So that kinda motivated me to finish the entire show, though i admit i fastforwarded certain parts because it was a total bore. :x
& i like the song !~
Went to J8 to meet Steffi in the afternoon to get my thumbdrive and money back. xD
Walked around and ate.
Crapped and was acting like some super irritating shoppers in the different shops. xP
I havent really seen the contents in the thumbdrive actually.
Was rather enthusiastic about the entire show so i decided to look into it after i finish the entire drama.
Which took me about 2/3 days to finish 11episodes, each consisting of 1hr 10min, approximately.
Mum's going to kill me if she realised all the shows she watched before me, i practically finished watching them before her.
Ok off to see the pictures from graduation.
All the photos were with Rach, so it took quite some time for her to pass it to me since we were both lazy to send it online. :/
I wonder how many months passed already. -.=
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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