Thursday, March 18, 2010
Been raining recently. :D
This is the time where we should all cherish rain since im dead sure at around april or may, the sickening sun would come out and scorch us all to death. -.-
My room's going to suffer miserably under the torments of the sun lah ! D:
Global warming, experience it personally in my room, once in a lifetime chance !~
-.= Tsktsk.
But i do hope that it rains all the way and just not rain on the 27th. :P
If nobody's backing out, those going would be..
Me, Rach, Steffi, ChaoNgin, XiuYi, Rayna, Kurin and Natalie. :D
So damn looking forward to the picnic. >.<
Especially since it's most probably the last gathering we'll have before all the poly students starts school and everyone goes back to busy mode again. :/
Pray it doesnt rain on that day, good weather, nice pics taken.
Man, in less than a month, school's going to start already.
All of a sudden, time seems to fly real fast. -.-
Out of boredom, i went to stalk people's profile on FB, again. :P
& to my horror, all of them seems to be more interested in NP's IB than SP's. ):
Worst, they might have been aiming for this target ever since, who knows when. =.="
So, im like the only one that chose IB because of stupid Rebby's explanations. -.=
Got conned, seriously. -.-
Stress ar ~
Ok, so not only are they smart,
they're all so fashion-minded.
Hell knows how many tons of clothes they bought just to prepare for poly. -.-
& im stuck with those same old clothes in my wardrobe. SHEESH !
This cannot go on. :/
Time to head down to Bugis street someday. -.-
Dammit, no income already bad enough.
Now still need continue investing in clothes..?!
Maybe it was lucky that the kbox trip got cancelled today. :/
Poor people are like that, no choice lah. @.@
Shall ask mum later. Wakaka ~ xD
Saddest thing : I couldnt make a trip down to the library as i had planned. ):
Originally, wanted to go to the library before meeting the others.
But since the trip got cancelled last minute,
So im stuck with Twilight, AGAIN.
OMG lah, how many times must i read it sia ? -.-
For some reason, when i start the book, i cant stop halfway.
Did a really stupid thing this morning.
When i woke up at 830, Wow, the earliest i've woken up at in who knows how many weeks xP
went to listen to MP3 till 1030.
Was dead sure mum wasnt home since the door was locked.
Then when i woke up at 1130 after a 1hr nap in between,
i phoned my mum to see where she was.
Mum : *Picks up the phone and spoke before i did* Where are you ?
Me : Where are you ?
Mum : In my room.
Then i went to her room and i laughed at the idiocity.
Went to Grandma's house yesterday. :D
Been quite some time since i visit her.
& it was the perfect time to go pay her a visit because i finished settling my laptop issues,
poly issues,
and nothing more. :)
The laptop battery is driving me nuts. -.-
It's only been 2hrs and it's left with 40%, with estimated of 1hr lifespan left.
I wonder how it's going to survive when i bring it to SP when school starts..
Speaking of which, ever since i got posted to SP, like officially since i already know i would be from the very beginning,
i've become more sensitive to terms such as :
- Poly, eg. SP
- Enrolment & Package.
- Course
- Laptop
Perhaps it was due to the long-term 'exposure' to these words so it seems like im getting more and more sensitive to them.
'Sensitive' in which, i actually give my TOTAL attention to that person when they're talking, even if it's considered eavesdropping. =.=
I feel like a stalker-in-the-making.
*Shudders at the thought.
You're the song of my life .
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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