Wednesday, February 24, 2010
OMG, the long-awaited enrolment package finally entered my mailbox today ! x.x
Like, after eons of waiting and worrying that it might get lost on the way and end up in another person's mailbox.
I liked the rough texture of the envelope. :D
It's like, in the olden days where people type with typewriters. :P
Anyways, everyone was saying how THICK it was so when i saw it,
i thought it wasnt thick enough at all. =.=
The only thing that made the entire package thick was the big fat folder the school placed in the envelope. :/
& i kinda fainted at the school fees.
Oh well. -.-a
Opened the package on the bus, YES, the bus, because i was going out and just wasnt patient enough to open it only when im going home. =.-
1 word to describe the stack of papers and forms : Vexing.
Yes, it's just simply annoying to leave the stack on the table, knowing that you cant do anything now since the dates arent open yet, but you have tons of things you need to do.
I guess the only thing i can do is take a picture. -.-
Apply for CPF scheme and maybe the checkup.. ?
Im just wondering why business students need to have a medical checkup as well.
I mean, it's not like if someone has colour-blind, it would affect them in their course.
Unless you say that it affects them because they might not be able to differentiate the bar charts during statistics.
Well yah, you get what i mean. :/
Got quite a number of things to be done by tomorrow. (:
Due to over-boredom, i came up with this stupid thing.
Ways to know that im being REALLY bored :
1. Stalking people's profiles on FB.
2. Chatting on MSN with people in attempt to strike some long conversations. Hope im not annoying though. :/
3. Refreshing FB homepage.
4. Trying to dig out more people from IB, which is sadly, useless. ):
Probably because i havent met my coursemates in person .. ?
Somehow i dont really like them.
Well, at least i know that people in another school feels so damn proud to be in IB since it's the lowest COP.
& i hate that people look from this perspective.
Yah, it's something worth being proud of.
But i dont think there's a need to express it through body language..?
I hope i dont become one of them. :x
Quite a number of girls in my course.
On FB, that's what i know.
Sekali when i go for orientation, it's all guys then gg. -.-
Stupid jie laughed at me because i said i would be distracted by the foodcourts. =.=
Havent been getting much sleep. ):
Dont know why.
I should be sleeping for about 11hrs !
& yet i only slept for about.. 9 ? T-T
Im so going to head down to the library one fine day. :x
Books should be able to make my brain start functioning !
English ar, dont fail me. >.<
Fullstop !
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