Sunday, February 21, 2010
It's been some time since i actually finished an entire drama in 3 days. x.x
Like, OMG, finally, there's a drama that can let me chiong. :P
Yah, it's DOWN WITH LOVE ! x3
Loved it tons. ;D
Hilarious, nice ending.
I like the pretty sister more than the main characters. ^^
Anyways, total worth watching it. (:
Dont know why i like this more than Hai Pai. :/
Yesterday went to aunt's house.
Went to gym at night, after i finished laksa.
Stupid cousin.
Burn what calories. -.-
Obviously, i have no calories to burn.
So i ended up doing unnecessary exercises and resulting in muscle cramps today.
Zzz. =.=
Anyways, the calories i burned came back when i drank a can of drink. =.=
Wth lah.
Most unbelievable thing was my cousin could still say that he actually feels he has burnt some fats away.
Well i think that's more of hallucination. -.-
Went to play with the mini playground since the gym was closing.
It's fun ! :P
Though the scale is a little unsuitable but i managed to squeeze through the 'doors'. xD
Played the slide and it was so fun. :DD
So long never play liaos. xD
Played along the poolside then headed back.
Played with my baby cousin.
She's so damn cute lah. >.<
Hyperactive as usual. xD
After eating, since aunt was busy talking and she asked us [ me, karsen and zzgg ] to look after her daughter.
She was so busy fiddling with all the things, we decided to bring her into the Wii room to play with her.
She's so cute lor ! :)
I have no idea how, but we ended up carrying her and bringing her closer to the aircon and she actually liked it. =.=
Lucky thing was we didnt drop her, else we'll be so dead.
& she doesnt cry.
So far, the longest time i heard her cry was.. Approximately 3mins.. ?
She's fine immediately after she gains attention. :/
So, she is one big attention-seeker. ~.~
Hence, even if we did scratch her accidentally, she doesnt cry out lah.
Kind of heng lor. :x
Played Wii once aunt brought her out.
Awhile later, went home.
Tomorrow going to KBox with Steffi and Rach. :D
I hope i can reach high pitches. >.<
Ok, dont need so high. Can hit a bit jiu ok le. :x
Still thinking whether i want to go to YJC Funfair or not. :/
Im kinda broke after tomorrow, i think.
The angbao money is UNTOUCHABLE. >:(
Well, i'll consider about it carefully. :x
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