Monday, January 4, 2010
Stupid modem.
Gave me a heart attack.
I thought history was going to repeat itself, like what happened to my previous one.
Couldnt connect to the internet at around 2.30am this morning.
LOLs. :x
Ok, please dont be so surprised by the time im still online because as i've said already,
im becoming increasingly nocturnal.
So, when i dced from MSN, i kind of shocked jie, which i have no idea why, probably because it hurts her to know that i left without saying goodbye. :/
& i tried connecting again and again, restarting my comp didnt work either.
So in the end, the only solution was to leave it at that until a later time for me to try again.
Though i managed to calm down,
it only allowed me to rest for about 4hrs ?
Look at the time now !
I woke up so damn early it's as if im going to school myself.
Sheesh. :/
Well, at least now im sure it's not my modem's fault.
Must be some connection broken somewhere due to external faults.
Yesterday was emotional. :x
dont know when is the next time im going to meet mei, or at the very least,
see her online.
She's going to enter the state of MIA like last year,
which really saddens me.
Hope this time round,
she replies to messages. x.x
Di's gone too, but promised to be online at night, so shouldnt be so saddening. :P
Talked quite abit of touchy-feely stuffs with jie on MSN since i didnt want to say it in front of the younger people. :P
HAHAs, walao that term makes it sound like im old sia.
Wth ?
Anyway, sad day.
I almost cried lah.
I mean, in front of the comp ?!
Crying last time because of all those stupid breakdowns,
was indeed,
I dont need to cry again about this.. Right ?
But somehow it feels like friends parting again.
Can be quite similar to what im anticipating on the day of release of results..
Everyone going separate ways.
Obviously, you're sad can ?
I have great and fantastic classmates.
So im not sure after parting,
im able to find ones like them..
You know it's not easy to find these kind of people these days.
It just depends on your luck.
I wouldnt want to end up as enemies with all my classmates in the future.
It just sucks to be like that. -.=
Im going to Reb's house later. :D
Going to meet up with her at Hub.
Hope LiXuan can make it because she forgot to tell her parents and might not be able to 'leave' house on last minute.
Supposedly the main event was cake-baking.
But since Rebby wanted to cook lunch for
we couldnt squeeze everything together and have to push the cake-baking to another day.
She's going to make lunch for me sia, if not for LiXuan as well.
It sounds like a girlfriend preparing lunchboxes for the boyfriend. :/
But who cares ?!
Rebby always liked cooking. :D
& im damn sure she's going to find a boyfriend fortunate enough to taste all her cooking.
Damn the lucky man. xD
Well, i shall be the guinea pig first, though i dont mind, since im very sure about her culinary skills.
Jealous ? Come to her house then. xD
Going to watch Sherlock Holmes too ! :DD
HAHAs, always wanted to watch it.
But too bad, it's like,
i couldnt reach SeeMin because she was out working until 12am, i was told ?
& to add it worst,
she's only done eating, bathing, relaxing at 1am.
Ok, though 1am im still online and thinking it's early,
when i heard the words,
it was like,
Wah, so late ! x.x
So to be a good friend,
i shant bother her.
She needs more sleep than i do.
Furthermore, she's been working and i've been slacking. -.-
She's such a freak.
Gives it her all in everything.
Studies + working.
Im sure lots of people are going to hire her next time. :P
That's about all.
Now i can return back to slumber with a peace of mind and wake up at around 9 ? =.=
I didnt intend to wake up so early actually,
and im already yawning now.
Shall return to my world. ;]
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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